Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment can be needed when the nerve of the tooth dies and becomes infected due to decay or trauma. The aim of the treatment is to clean out the infection within the tooth, so that the tooth does not need to be removed. 

The treatment includes making a small opening in the tooth to remove the nerve and infection, cleaning inside the roots to the tip. An antibacterial dressing is placed inside the tooth and sealed with a temporary filling. Once the root canals are cleaned, the roots can then be filled and sealed to prevent bacterial recontamination. This procedure usually takes three sessions at least one week apart, but teeth with multiple root canals or significant infection may need more visits. 

Once the root canal treatment is complete, it is important to protect the remaining tooth structure from breakage. This may be with a filling or a crown, depending on how much of the tooth is remaining. 

Every tooth is different and root canal treatment is a complex procedure, so talk to your dentist about whether a root canal treatment is right for you.