Crown and Bridge

A crown is likened to a cap over the tooth, and is the long term option to protect the remaining structure of a broken down tooth. It may also be recommended after root canal treatment or when a crack has caused the tooth to become sensitive. The tooth is cut back to make room for the crown and a mould is taken. This is sent to a dental laboratory where a crown is constructed in either a gold alloy, porcelain, or a combination, depending on aesthetic requirements. The crown is cemented on the tooth at the next visit.

A bridge is one of the options for replacing a missing tooth. The teeth on either side of the gap are crowned and a false tooth attached between the two. A bridge is recommended when the teeth adjacent to the gap are broken down or heavily filled and crowns are a good long term solution for these teeth. In select cases such as a small gap, a false tooth may hang on only one crown. Bridges are also constructed in gold alloy, porcelain or a combination, depending on aesthetic concerns.

The image is a photo of a particularly long bridge to replace several missing teeth. This can place more pressure on the supporting teeth, so a thorough assessment would required to see if this is a suitable option for you.